Week 3 - Shake Hands with a Firm Grip, Look People in the Eyes, and Call Them by Name, With a Smile!
Let me start off by saying this week didn't exactly go as planned. The children were all very reckless, and since I have never been in a situation where children yell and hurt each other, I immediately reverted to the dictatorship leadership style. I was more focused on controlling my class than allowing them to have fun. I knew that the day's lesson would be challenging because it was lots of interaction, but I was not prepared for what I faced upon walking into the room.
When I was finally able to gain control, we practiced correct handshakes. Each child shook my hand and introduced them self, then formed a line where the shook hands with others in the class. The group learned that winners SHAKE HANDS WITH A FIRM GRIP, LOOK PEOPLE IN THE EYES, AND CALL THEM BY NAME, WITH A SMILE!
I think that it is important for me to note that even though I was not prepared for the rambunctious class I was given, I was able to gain control by adapting my leadership abilities.
Here are some tips for the perfect handshake. http://www.careerbuilder.com/Article/CB-431-Interview-Tips-Six-Tips-for-a-Perfect-Handshake/
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