Hello, again!
It's time to learn to Walk Tall with Confidence, a trait that is common among winners. I was glad to know that all of the students remembered the message of the week prior, Strive to be a Winner! Many of the students took it to heart and tried to be a winner each day, whether it was taking to to read or doing a nice deed for someone else.
I posed the question, "What is confidence?" Many of the students had a general idea of the term, but I wanted to really stress its meaning. In order to really describe confidence, I had the students perform a series of tasks.
1. Sit in your chair with all four chair legs on the ground and their own two legs on the ground. We counted a total of six legs. To ensure their safety and to demonstrate confidence, I noted that whenever SIX was called, all the students needed to be sure they had six legs on the ground.
2. Sit up straight with your shoulders back.
3. Put on your biggest smile!
4. Sit back down.
5. Slump in your chair.
6. Have a sad face :(
I found that all of the kids were much more confident in themselves while sitting up as straight as possible. When slouched, the kids felt awkward and kept laughing because they knew it was wrong.
4. Stand up as tall as possible.
5. Shoulders should be back.
6. Big smile!
We then proceeded to be models walking down the runway being as confident as possible! When this got a bit out of hand, I was able to redirect the focus of the group by forming a large circle in which everyone had to WALK TALL WITH CONFIDENCE while giving everyone else a high-five!
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. - Eleanor Roosevelt
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