Saturday, July 14, 2012

Week 12: Save for Tomorrow

My parents are both in the business field, and have always encouraged us to save our money.  I used to dread getting money for my birthday because my dad would take it straight to the bank.  Now, as a college student, I don't have to worry about being the "poor college kid" because my parents taught me the importance of saving much more than I spend.  My friends and I always joke about how I spend no money when we go shopping, while they blow through their paychecks, but I know that as I grow older, I will be happy I have saved.

When I signed up to be a character coach, I was told that these kids really need to have this lesson taught because they spend money as fast as they earn it.  I decided I would give each student a penny.  The next week, if they still have their penny, they would be given a nickel.  The following week, a dime, and then finally a quarter.  I was shocked when most of the students didn't even have their penny during the second week. No one made it to the quarter week, and I just couldn't believe they had found a way to spend such a small amount of money.  

We discussed the importance of saving money for college, weddings, buying a car, owning a house, and having money set aside for any emergencies that may come up.  I hope that some of these students took my advice to save money.  

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